Hi I'm Mama JDot, but you can just call me Mama J or Mrs. Dot, I will answer to either. Allow me to share a little bit about myself, if you will. I'm a SoCal, southern gal. You know that acronym; GRITS, Girls Raised In The South. Yeah, that's me. I now live in Southern California. So I speak and think, with a southern mindset, influenced by a southern Californian aesthetic. It's who I am, and how I function.
Come on over and sit awhile, on my proverbial front porch. Enjoy a tall glass of cold iced tea. Don't worry, ya'll I've taken out the sugar, but my tea is still refreshing. I'm hoping you'll find the conversations fresh, funny, thoughtful, and moving.
I shoot from the hip, I'm real, raw and honest, with a mild case of humor. Allow me to encourage, entertain and sometimes challenge you, while keeping it 100 ya'll, it's how I do... I'm just sayin'